MasterCard to rollout “selfie pay” option this summer

If you like totally like buying stuff and you like taking selfies, it’ll officially be time to “get yo Mastercard on” starting this summer!

Thanks to a successful focus test of avid human ‘selfiers,’ Mastercard has decided to make the horror of “selfie pay” a reality this summer. With the power of selfie pay, you’ll have even more perfectly good reasons to punch the people in face while you wait in line at the grocery store, sporting events and adult book stores.

Mastercard claims there are several security features in place so that selfie pay technology isn’t fooled by pictures rather than actual human beings thanks to it’s “blink recognition” technology. This is great news for Blink 182 fans everywhere who have been waiting for some logical reason for the band to come out of retirement with their new corporate-branded hit single “Girl, I’d Pay You In The Blink Of An Eye.”

If fingerprint authentication isn’t good enough, the company is apparently also investigating heartbeat recognition to prove once and for all that people who take selfies actually have a heartbeat.