21 People Who Oughta Be Banned From Airplanes Forever And Ever

10. The person who left chewed gum stuck to their armrest:

9. The guy who (kinda ingeniously, actually) set up his hammock in front of the boarding gate desk:

8. Anybody who leans their seat back, especially when the passengers behind them are over 6 feet tall:


6. The human who doesn’t feel the need to sit down or  put pants on:

5. The dude who couldn’t…figure…this…out?

4. Whoever thinks it’s alright to take a Sharpie to plane seats:

3. This scrunched up sleeper:

2. Anybody who uses 3 seats for their luggage while others are forced to sit on the floor:

1. And, finally, this Birkenstock wearer, who felt the need to throw their stanky footwear into the seat pocket for all to see and smell. Screw you.