50 of the Funniest Late Night Monologue Jokes Ever (GALLERY)

Hundreds of thousands of late night jokes have been told throughout the history of television. The following is just a recent sample of some of the best monologue jokes from current late night show hosts. From the vanilla of Jimmy Fallon, to your grandma’s favorite Craig Ferguson jokes, to the hilarity of Conan O’Brien, here’s a carefully selected sampling of some of the best late night jokes in honor of National Tell a Joke Day!


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Nathan Davidson

A master of the internet farts and sciences. Often accused of being into movies, television, sports, gaming and long walks to the kitchen. Spent the last decade writing about the absurdity that is the internet with a primary focus on comedy, sports, entertainment and exposing cats for being evil monsters. Somehow achieved a BA in Advertising from the Michigan State University and MA in Copywriting from The Portfolio Center. Hobbies include keeping “that’s what she said” jokes fashionable, imitating noises like a parakeet and preventing political arguments. List writer for Ranker and former Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Interweb.