14 Funny Workout Products You Can Appreciate Even If You Never Go To The Gym

Exercise? I thought you said extra fries! Whether you’re an avid gym-goer or just enjoy the idea of putting on some comfortable athletic wear and hanging around the house, you can surely appreciate all of these clever gym accessories.

*Full disclosure: We may receive some portion of the sales made on this list. We’re putting all the money into stocks and bonds. And by stocks and bonds, I mean chocolate and ice cream.

14. This clever coffee mug that may or may not be filled with wine.

Am I talking about the gym or a club? You’ll never know.

Get it on Amazon

13. A punny pin you can put on your favorite athleisure outfit.

*Opens box of donuts* “Pretty impressive, huh?”

Get it on Etsy 

12. This phone case that’ll remind you to never ever give up (carbs).

Never give up, never surrender to a life without bread!

Get it on Amazon

11. A yoga mat that lets your instructor know exactly where you’ll be headed after class.

(And wine).

Get it on Amazon 

10. This “Gin Bunny” tote bag you can use for your gym clothes…or your gin.

Let’s be real.

Get it on Etsy

9. A tank top that might actually make you want to go to the gym.

?I like it like that ?

Get it on Etsy

8. This water bottle that could’ve sworn you mentioned alcohol.

Ohhh squats, not shots.

Get it on Etsy 

7. This cute AF gym hat for the girl who can do both.

I may look like a wet rat right now, but just you wait until Friday night.

Get it on Amazon

6. A crewneck sweatshirt for the procrastinating Harry Potter fan.

Tomorrow just seems like a better day for the gym.

Get it on Amazon