Verizon accidentallly gave man Sir Mix-A-Lot’s old phone number… and now he gets his raunchy texts

Verizon Sir Mix A Lot Phone Number

Oh my god, Becky look at what Verizons’ stupid butt did.

When any normal dude starts getting tons of pictures of big booty girls in bikinis, phone calls from luxury car dealerships and free passes to live shows on his phone, something’s gotta be wrong… right?

Well thanks to Verizon’s phone number mix a lot, Jonathan Nichols likes his new phone number and he cannot lie because he instantly went from being a broke law student to a straight up pimp when they accidentally gave him Sir Mix-A-Lot’s old phone number.

Nichols got the new number so he would be local when he started looking for a job and it turned out to be the greatest move in the history of mankind.

Nichols said, “When interviewers have asked me, ‘What’s something interesting that no one else knows?’ or when people I meet working political campaigns tell me about meeting Bill Clinton, I always say, ‘I have Sir Mix-A-Lot’s old phone number.’

“It’s a total mic drop.”

Sir Mix-A-Lot did however have some advice for the owner of his old phone number.

“Tell him any really sexy pictures — little in the middle, and if she’s got much back — give them the new number,” Mix said with a laugh, then paused.

“But not the car dealerships.”