You can call them myopic, rude, condescending, or worse, but let’s just call a spade a spade here: these bosses are s**tty.
Imagine working for someone who thinks that you have the right to tell a sibling to change their birthday reservations.
Or someone who as no salary negotiation offer but asks for one. I mean — don’t imagine too hard, I don’t want your brain to explode with anger. But that’s the kind of crap every one of these people has had to deal with.
1. I’m a waitress at a restaurant in a country club, we had a change of management and I got in a heated argument with my supervisor when he went off at me for loosening my corset while I was on my break. I just got sent this and found that my hours have been cut in half. Is there anything I can do?
2. Got called “a poor team player” and received a verbal warning for this when I came into my next shift. Would put in my two weeks if it wasn’t just a summer job