TRENDING Trisha Paytas Finally Gives Birth, Names Her Malibu Barbie, And The Internet Goes Nuts by Kate Hackett September 16, 2022 11. Say it Trisha Paytas teaching her daughter how to say her name — tom (@th0m4sd4v1d) September 15, 2022 12. Yikes, settle 8.9 LBS????? IST THAT THE DATE THE QUEEN DIED?????????? September 8th 2022???? Malibu Barbie just admit that you are the queen already — user 158636282 (@Iqra1551) September 15, 2022 13. What a name 14. Eh? malibu barbie paytas coming out of the womb finding out what her name is: — katie (@tommyshelbys) September 15, 2022 15. Fair i actually think malibu barbie is a much better name than mackenzleigh or ampyrsand or xÆ12 or whatever else ppl are naming their kids these days — matt (@mattxiv) September 15, 2022 16. On brand Kate Hackett Kate is a freelance writer, actor, author and columnist living in Los Angeles. instagram Page 2 of 2Previous 12Next post