23 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Grew Up Obsessed With ‘The Sims’

13. To afford any of it, you had to cheat using rosebud, or motherlode.

12. You had no idea that there were this many career options…

11. Your Sims went from 0-100 real quick.

10. But, labor was always a breeze.

9. But, if your kids were dumb, they disappeared forever.

8. The Sims language was one of a kind.

7. No Sim truly understands how to put out a fire.

6. I mean, not one.

5. Or, get out of a pool without a ladder.

4. Or make it to the bathroom.

3. These prank calls were weird–and annoying.

2. Also, this guy always came over uninvited.

1. And, you can’t believe how much they’ve “upgraded” the characters since the OG version.