NASA Cancelled The All Female Spacewalk And People Aren’t Happy

NASA announced on Monday that it would be canceling its upcoming first ever all-female spacewalk, due to the fact that they don’t have enough spacesuits in the right size. Come on, NASA. Women finally find a place to walk that men won’t bother them and now they can’t go?

NASA spokeswoman, Stephanie Schierholz, said “Anne trained in ‘M’ and ‘L’ and thought she could use a large but decided after [last] Friday’s spacewalk a mediumfits better.” Apparently only size medium suit would be available and it will be used by one of the women on the mission, Christina Koch, The Guardian reports.

This means that one of the two women on the mission, Anne McClain, now has to give up her spot to a male astronaut.

“In this case, it’s easier (and faster!) to change space-walkers than reconfigure the spacesuit,” Schierholz explained.

McClain became the 13th woman to take part in a spacewalk last week, and Koch will be the 14th. McCain is also “tentatively scheduled” to do another spacewalk on April 8.

Still, people on social media were pissed.

“Make another suit,” Hilary Clinton tweeted. along with the headline about the cancelation.

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40 years. (2 Russian women preceded Sally Ride).

— Adam Strassberg (@adambstrassberg) March 26, 2019

But some said they appreciated that safety came first and they knew that an all-female spacewalk will happen at some point.

It certainly will happen at some point (it would be nuts for it not to) but it is disappointing that it’s so long overdue.

h/t: The Guardian

Jessie Dean Altman

Dean Altman is a writer living in NYC.