Manager Of The Year Is Given 8 Hours To Lay Off His Entire Staff, Decides To Help Them Instead

Most of us have had our fair share of crappy bosses—the yellers, the micro-managers, the absentees, the a-holes, and so on. It’s pretty inevitable once you’ve entered the working world, but having a truly great boss changes everything.

A great boss is there for his or her employees through thick and thin and cares about them beyond their role within the company. Take this manager, for example, who was given 8 hours notice to lay off his entire staff and chose to spend that time throwing a pizza party and writing letters of recommendation for everyone.

A recent Reddit thread posted by u/dogredsox asked users about their best job-quitting stories.

And while most of the responses were from employees, one manager replied with a truly wholesome story.

Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,

After finding out he had to lay off his entire staff, Redditor ShortAdamLewis threw his employees a pizza party and helped them with their resumes and letters of recommendation.

Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly / Flickr

“I sat down with the PM and we discussed what we should do. We were part of a small company that had maybe 40 employees across a few states, and we were the only employees for 100 or so miles so there was no other work for us to fall back on. We called our company leadership, and confirmed there was no work for anybody, and then called a meeting” ShortAdamLewis told Bored Panda.

“I’m glad we told everyone as soon as we knew. I seem to be the expert on resumes and getting jobs, so I told everyone to bring a copy of their resumes and that we’d look them over in the conference room” he continued.

“While this is close to the whole story, it is only part of it, and I am not the real MVP here… that belongs to my old boss,” ShortAdamLewis said.

Needless to say, people loved his story.

Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history, Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,  Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,  Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history, Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history, Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,

And some even shared their own experiences.

Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,

Managers, good managers, bad manager, horrible boss, great boss stories, reddit thread, askreddit, job-quitting story, quit your job, best way to quit your job, job horror stories, wholesome stories, pizza party, helps employees with resumes, layoffs, government shutdown, longest shutdown in history,

Bravo sir, bravo.

h/t Bored Panda