Grocery shopping is one of those modern chores that hasn’t really caught up with the times. Sure, there are new features like the always-broken self-checkout, as well as Amazon’s dystopian stores that have no human workers.
But by and large, grocery shopping remains walking into the store with a cart and wandering around the aisles until you find enough grub and call it quits.
These grocery stores’ concepts need to be implemented everywhere, ASAP.
1. Check Out The Digital Tags At This Store
2. Magnifying Glass On Each Cart, So You Can Better Read Labels
3. Free. Bacon. Samples.
4. Air-Conditioned, Private Kennels For You To Stow Your Dog While You Shop
5. Pick Your Own Mushrooms
6. Re-Freeze An Item Before You Head Home
7. A Frozen Meat Dispensary For When The Store Is Closed And You Need Ground Beef At 2:45 AM
8. “Cocktail To Go” Bundles That Come With The Liquor And Chaser
9. An Aisle Directory Built Onto The Shopping Cart
10. A Handy Guide That Shows Shoppers When Their Bananas Will Be Good To Go
11. An End To Those Broken Carts That Have Weird Wheels
12. Colored Bags To Visually Separate Frozen And Non-Frozen Foods
13. Carts At The Back Of The Store, In Case You Need More Room
14. An Check-Out With No Candy So Your Kid Won’t Beg You For Some
15. Give The Toilet Paper A Test Run Before You Buy It
16. Tablets With Store And Food Info On The Cart
17. Healthy Snacks For Kids In The Store
18. A Bar For People Waiting For The Spouse To Shop
19. A Machine That Will Resurrect Your Soaked Phone
h/t: Buzzfeed