Vet’s Description Of The Moments Right Before A Pet Gets ‘Put Down’ Is Brutally Important For Owners To Know

Having a pet is an incredible experience to have–no matter what kind of animal you raise. Whether it be a cat, or a dog, or maybe even a rabbit or a hampster, our pets become members of our family.
That’s why saying goodbye to our pets, eventually, is something that many people cannot bear to think about or imagine. Many of us know that our pets will not outlive us and that animals tend to have shorter lifespans than us humans (not all, but many). The inevitable day that will come is far too painful for many to deal with. For this reason, when pets are “put down,” and “put to sleep,” some pet owners opt out of being in the room with the pet owner.

However, some vets are saying this is not only bad for you, but also, bad for your pet. Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital & 24hr Emergency Service reposted a status that was originally posted by a vet, describing what happens in the last few moments of an animal’s life when they are being put down.

The vet explains how owners have become the center of a pet’s life–they are the end-all, be-all of their existence, they are all that pet knows. Additionally, the vet shared that when owners leave their pets “to make the transition from life to death alone,” they feel scared, helpless, and search for us in every single person there–wondering why we’re not there.

Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital & 24hr Emergency Service Facebook 

The post, while emotional and brutal, struck a chord with many pet owners on Facebook. Many agreed with this vet, understanding that our pets are terrified and afraid during this experience, and want nothing more than to comfort and help them.


Others disagreed, saying it’s too painful and too hard for an owner to handle, and they shouldn’t be made to feel guilty over this.



Lex Gabrielle

A mom of two who loves to spend her free time writing about life, love, and all the little moments in between.

I have a bachelor’s degree in media studies and journalism and two master’s degrees in education. When I’m not writing and chasing my two kids around, I teach journalism full-time.