35 Times Seemingly “Nice Guys” Were Actually Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing

29. Just trying to get to the bottom of something.

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30. Not bored enough for you to be insane.

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31. Shoot your shot buddy, but do your research.

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32. You’re crazy to use your real name if it’s Norbert.

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33. Ummm… excuse me?

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34. Insanely narcissistic to think she owes you anything else.

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35. OK, then!

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h/t Reddit: r/niceguys

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a stand-up and author and has been featured on Sirius XM, the RISK! podcast, in the Boston Comedy Festival, the Cleveland Comedy Festival, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, Cape Fear Comedy Festival, and the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival.

He’s written for any number of websites including someecards, College Humor and, yes, WorldWideInterweb