Mom Warns Parents With Story Of What Happened To Her Child On The School Bus

There are a lot of things parents get anxious about when sending their kids to their first day of kindergarten: will they be okay being away from home, will they have fun, will they make friends. Even the most anxious of parents generally assume their kids will be safe, however. There are a lot of vetted adults educated in childhood development in charge, and moms and dads try to hope that’s enough. In the case of a mom outside St. Louis, it very nearly wasn’t.

Twitter user @happycloudbooks, or Coley, shared the terrifying story of her 5-year-old daughter’s first school day, which came frighteningly close to tragedy. Coley is sharing the story to warn parents of the dangers facing kids on the bus.

She writes that her daughter is developmentally disabled, and didn’t not exit the bus when it arrived at the school. The driver did not check the bus seats before leaving the bus, and the girl was stuck in the vehicle for three hours in the sun. Cars and buses can quickly get so hot inside that temperatures turn lethal.

Coley writes that she’d been worried about so many things parents generally do, but never considered her daughter’s life would be in danger. What’s worse is that it took ages for the school to notify her that her daughter was unaccounted for during role call:

The school finally contacted her hours later to check where the kindergartener is, and when Coley was naturally freaked out, they reassure her that they will check for her. She ended up waiting another 40 minutes before she gets a call explaining what’s happened:

Bus drivers are obligated to check seats before they exit the bus, but Coley’s daughter was the only K-1st grade student, and the driver skipped this part of their job. The kid didn’t know what she was supposed to do!

That driver’s ass got fired:

And Coley’s daughter was okay, but it was a scary experience for them both:

The overall message is just for the bus drivers out there: Check. The. Seats!

Several people have asked what the girl’s developmental disability is, and if it was irresponsible to put her on the bus in the first place. Coley has explained that her issue is physical, but mentally she is at the same developmental level as other kids her age. This is a situation that could happen to anyone, but especially kids new to the school system. Sorry to add more first school day anxieties, but this one is worth looking out for.