New Meme Has People Joking About What It’s Like To Smoke A Joint (24 Memes)

Marijuana is legal in many states, and now potheads are coming out of the woodwork to do what they’ve done for years already: get high and post memes. The funny joint meme, however, will expand your mind like no drug ever could. That’s because it’s a description of what it’s like to be high. High people love to read stuff about getting high. Meta. So many levels. Wow.

Bruh. It’s time to get into some weird stuff. Honestly, some of these be hitting and some do not be hitting. I’ll tell you what though, all of them seem to be experiences I’ve had with weed in the past. That’s what makes it funny.

I hope you enjoy these 420-friendly memes!

Check out the funniest versions of the joint meme from Twitter:


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Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


brackets on a joint meme, what its like to smoke joint meme, sections of a joint meme, joint sections memes, parts of a joint meme funny


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


brackets on a joint meme, what its like to smoke joint meme, sections of a joint meme, joint sections memes, parts of a joint meme funny


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter


Funny joint memes, jokes about social anxiety, hilarious meme about what it’s like to get high, smoke a blunt, 420, drugs, twitter

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a stand-up and author and has been featured on Sirius XM, the RISK! podcast, in the Boston Comedy Festival, the Cleveland Comedy Festival, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, Cape Fear Comedy Festival, and the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival.

He’s written for any number of websites including someecards, College Humor and, yes, WorldWideInterweb