Well, it’s another one of those nights, isn’t it? The kind where my bed feels more like a stage for my solo performance of “The Great Wide Awake.” And let’s be real, if tossing and turning were an Olympic sport, I’d probably have a gold medal by now. But instead of counting sheep (who’s got the patience for that, anyway?), I’ve decided to count laughs with a collection of the most hilariously relatable insomnia memes.
You know the drill – it’s just you, the silence of the night, and the glowing screen of your phone as you promise yourself “just five more minutes” on social media. And then, bam! You stumble upon a meme that so perfectly captures your sleep-deprived saga, you can’t help but burst into that weird, silent, shake-the-bed kind of laughter, hoping you don’t wake anyone else up.
So, I thought, why not share the wealth? After all, misery loves company, and I’m pretty sure laughter is the best medicine (or at least the most entertaining placebo). From midnight musings to the existential dread of seeing the sunrise (again), these memes are a shout-out to all my fellow members of the “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” club.