20 Hilariously Weird Alternate Movie Titles Used In Other Countries

15. Nixon

Alternate titles for famous movies, films in foreign countries, renamed movies, funny movie titles used in other countries, cinema, lol, wtf, weird movie titles, lost in translation

16. The Pacifier

Alternate titles for famous movies, films in foreign countries, renamed movies, funny movie titles used in other countries, cinema, lol, wtf, weird movie titles, lost in translation

17. Pretty Woman

Alternate titles for famous movies, films in foreign countries, renamed movies, funny movie titles used in other countries, cinema, lol, wtf, weird movie titles, lost in translation

18. The Shawshank Redemption

Alternate titles for famous movies, films in foreign countries, renamed movies, funny movie titles used in other countries, cinema, lol, wtf, weird movie titles, lost in translation

19. Silver Linings Playbook

Alternate titles for famous movies, films in foreign countries, renamed movies, funny movie titles used in other countries, cinema, lol, wtf, weird movie titles, lost in translation

20. The Sixth Sense

Alternate titles for famous movies, films in foreign countries, renamed movies, funny movie titles used in other countries, cinema, lol, wtf, weird movie titles, lost in translation

Credit: worldwideinterweb

Images via WorldWideInterweb, h/t Bored Panda

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a stand-up and author and has been featured on Sirius XM, the RISK! podcast, in the Boston Comedy Festival, the Cleveland Comedy Festival, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, Cape Fear Comedy Festival, and the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival.

He’s written for any number of websites including someecards, College Humor and, yes, WorldWideInterweb