17 Dudes So Thirsty, They Used LinkedIn As A Dating App

We are all entitled to shoot our shot when it comes to dating. Take a chance. Put yourself out there. Let people know how you feel.

But don’t get aggressive when you get (kindly) rejected. Do not come into an interaction desperate to send or receive nudes. End your misguided belief that you are entitled to someone else’s time, affection, energy, or body. Especially curb all the above if you are already in a relationship with somebody else who thinks you are monogamous.

And do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE hit on women via LinkedIn.

1. The dude who used LinkedIn to TO FISH FOR NUDES:

2. The guy who is “sorry” to put the woman in an awkward spot:

3. The bro who over-Emoji’d:

4. The man who is THIS close to calling Nicki a rude name for rejecting him:

5. Willie:

6. The guy who wants nothing more than joyous tears:

7. Maximilian:

8. The financial analyst who has confused his social media platforms:

9. This thirsty student:

10. The guy who wants to take down a report:

You may also like: 31 Funniest Dating Memes Of All Time

11. Aaron:

12. The dude who knows how unprofessional and creepy he’s being, but doesn’t seem to care:

13. The bro who cut right to the chase:

14. This English engineer:

15. This guy who is (LOL) “looking for a friend first”:

16. Simple, caring, and honest Lewis:

17. And finally, Daniel, who does not mean to offend but who wants to put his “mind and heart together” with Dylan:

h/t BuzzFeed

Masha Fante

Masha is a freelance writer and editorial director of agency content as well as a contributor to the Daily Dot.