It seems like pretty much every single day is “Star Wars Day” on the internet the last two years, but things get especially “Star Warsy” anytime a new movie trailer is released. Since we’re only a few short weeks away from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hitting theaters, we decided it was time for you to get to know the cast before they were famous. Granted, most of them aren’t officially famous just yet, but that’s about to change.
A master of the internet farts and sciences. Often accused of being into movies, television, sports, gaming and long walks to the kitchen. Spent the last decade writing about the absurdity that is the internet with a primary focus on comedy, sports, entertainment and exposing cats for being evil monsters. Somehow achieved a BA in Advertising from the Michigan State University and MA in Copywriting from The Portfolio Center. Hobbies include keeping “that’s what she said” jokes fashionable, imitating noises like a parakeet and preventing political arguments. List writer for Ranker and former Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Interweb.