“Bachelor” Contestant Victoria Fuller Caught In “White Lives Matter” Modeling Controversy, Responds To Relationship Rumors

If you like drama, roses, and media-generated relationships that are doomed to fail: The Bachelor is the show for you.

The long-running series in which 30 women line up like beggars at a soup kitchen for the affection of one man is all about putting people through the highs and lows of a romantic relationship at network television speed.

For the viewers at home it’s about Schadenfreude—watching people’s victories, sure, but more importantly reveling in their humiliations and defeats. So it’s no surprise that the personal lives of Bachelor contests are just one more ingredient to be savored in the show’s teeming crockpot dramatic entanglements.

Current Bachelor contestant Victoria Fuller’s past is causing controversy.


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It was revealed that Fuller has modeled “White Lives Matter” merchandise, leading some to wonder how she got on the show in the first place.

For the unaware, the “White Lives Matter” and “All Lives Matter” slogans sprang up as a reaction to the “Black Lives Matter” movement that seeks an end to police violence against people of color. It’s a false equivalence designed specifically to yank the focus away from minority groups facing routine, deadly discrimination.

Some responding to the criticism have pointed out that the shirts pictured are fishing related and refer to white and blue marlin conservation efforts.

Making a pun based on a racist reaction to a social movement is bound to invite controversy.

This is apparently a secondary controversy however to viewers of the show after TV blogger and tea-spiller “Reality Steve” posted some rumors he’s heard about Fuller’s allegedly sordid dating history.

In an apparent response to those insinuations about her past relationships, Fuller posted a vague denial on Instagram, saying the rumors were “NOT TRUE” and that “there will be a time & place where I can defend myself.”


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JEREMIAH 29:11 I’d like to start off by saying thank you to all of my family & friends for the overwhelming support. Even to the strangers who have reached out to show me kindness. THANK YOU. The RUMORS you are hearing are FALSE. There will be a time & place where I can defend myself, but for now I choose to wait. HOWEVER, bullying is NOT ok. Nor is it fair. Especially when casting judgement and basing opinions upon pure speculation, assumptions, & LIES. With that being said— On my best days & especially on my worst days I look to a friend. The best friend I’ve ever had in my life. He does not judge me for what I look like. He does not throw stones when I am down. He makes me smile when I am mad. Licks my tears when I am sad. Lays on my chest when my anxiety is through the roof. And paws my face when I can’t get out of bed some days to tell me, ‘Hey! I’m here. You’re enough. Remember that.’ That friend is my Black Lab, Buxton. I’m so proud to say that my boy is in training to become a #therapydog. Buxton has served as my personal service dog for over a year now, but his new role will be a little different. As a therapy dog Buxton will be providing comfort to children in hospitals, affection to elderly in retirement homes, love to those who may be having a hard time at school, & others who maybe just need a hug! Life will throw you curveballs, but sometimes all you need is some love & loyalty from a 4 legged friend willing to catch those curveballs for you. We may not always know the WHY, but we can rely on the fact that there is a reason. A reason to keep pushing forward wherever we may be in life. A reason that is a lot bigger than us. I trust that God & the Universe are showing me the way. . . . . & just remember.. we all have a story.

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Ok then. Now about that White Lives Matter merch…?

Nathan Davidson

A master of the internet farts and sciences. Often accused of being into movies, television, sports, gaming and long walks to the kitchen. Spent the last decade writing about the absurdity that is the internet with a primary focus on comedy, sports, entertainment and exposing cats for being evil monsters. Somehow achieved a BA in Advertising from the Michigan State University and MA in Copywriting from The Portfolio Center. Hobbies include keeping “that’s what she said” jokes fashionable, imitating noises like a parakeet and preventing political arguments. List writer for Ranker and former Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Interweb.