24 Massive Objects That Are Absolute Units And Will Crush Your Sense Of Scale

These behemoth creations have absolutely no business being this huge.

You know that feeling when you stumble upon something so massive it makes you question your own sense of scale? Like, suddenly, you’re not sure if you’re in the real world or if you’ve just wandered onto the set of a sci-fi movie. I mean, we’ve all had those moments where we encounter an absolute unit—whether it’s a dog the size of a small horse or a tree that looks like it could touch the sky.

These gargantuan things just demand your attention, and before you know it, you’re standing there, slack-jawed, wondering how something could get that big. Let’s check out some of the most mind-blowing massive objects that will crush your sense of scale.

1. “An absolute unit of a penguin chick.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

2. “How is this even possible?”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

3. “Wolf dog from 2.5 months to 2 years.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

4. “Does this cat even lift, Bro?”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

5. “Take a look at this snowman.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

6. “This is the second largest diamond ever found – a rough 2,492 carat stone has been unearthed in Botswana at a mine owned by Canadian firm Lucara Diamond.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

7. “We are playing fast and loose with the definition of ‘dog'”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

8. “Enormous Paella Pan. My 6.5 ft friend for scale.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

9. “This oyster I was served today.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

10. “Big lettuce.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

11. “Real-life mushroom from Super Mario?”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

12. “He has risen.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

13. “This unit of a caterpillar.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

14. “Absolute unit of a slug boy.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

15. “When life gives you monster lemons from your parent’s lemon tree.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

16. “An XL carp.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

17. “My crow friend who comes to visit me daily.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

18. “The size of the original Big Mac.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

19. “This cauliflower isn’t playing any games.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

20. “This massive owl.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

21. “Flag as big as a mountain”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

22. “Absolute unit of a pot to boil thousands of eggs.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

23. “Bugatti tire next to normal car tire.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

24. “Giant bumble bee.”

Image Source: r/AbsoluteUnits

Chris Wahl

Chris, co-owner of WorldWideInterweb, is a true aficionado of all things internet and meme-y. When he’s not curating the best of the web, you’ll likely find him on the golf courses of Florida.