Dad Worried About Teacher Posting ‘Thirst Traps’ Shares Teacher’s IG Account With Other Parents, Asks ‘AITA’


Sending your kid to school is scary, especially if it’s their first time. Suddenly, your baby is away from you for hours at a time, and you have no idea what they’re doing. You hope it’s fun stuff and educational lessons, but you have to trust the school.


One Redditor got a bad feeling about his son’s new teacher and went searching online for information about her — and what he found didn’t make him happy.

“My son is 4 and this is his first year in pre-school. His teacher is called Mary and she’s roughly in her early 30’s, if that matters. We first met her on Monday when dropping him off and I didn’t get the best vibes from her, so I looked her up on social media. She posts provocative photos and is very active politically, going to marches and events and stuff like that. The vibes were already far from immaculate, but what I saw made me dislike her even more. I talked it over with my wife and we decided to ask some of the other parents what they thought of her,” the OP writes.

“We reached out to them and created a whatsapp group where we started talking and I shared her account there. It wasn’t well received from most parents either, mostly because of the provocative photos.”

“Nothing happened for a couple of days, but a fellow parent kept tracking her account and she saw she had uploaded a selfie with 3 of her students on Thursday. The parents were furious about that and they went to the district supervisor first thing Friday morning. Since I was the once who started the group, he called me to confirm and hear my side of the story, and he asked me if I could come to his office in the evening.”

“I did. She was there along with a few other parents and we all started talking and trying to explain the issue. Voices were raised and, at one point, she started accusing me of stalking her and then sharing her account to perv on her with the other dads. I was like, lady, I was just trying to see what kind of person is going to be teaching my son, but she wasn’t having any of it and kept arguing. Things escalated even more and the other parents demanded that she be removed from the class. I didn’t outright concur or join with them, but I didn’t object either.”

“The supervisor ordered her to take down the photos, along with any she had uploaded from her previous students, but he didn’t reach a conclusion. Rumor has it he’s considering placing her in another school because the year just started, but we’ll find out on Monday, I suppose. Anyway, was I the asshole here? Should I have just kept my worries to myself?”

The OP added some information to his post to clarify a few things:

“Yes, the 3 kids’ faces were visible. Their parents were among those of us who were present in the supervisors office yesterday. I wasn’t the one who found the pictures. Neither those of the 3 kids, nor those of previous students. Provocative = thirst traps. If that giving me pause for someone’s credibility as a teacher makes me the AH, then I guess I’m the AH. d) She’s participating in a far-right party’s events. I don’t really vote or care about politics, I just don’t like that particular party. I don’t live in the US.”

Redditors pretty much agree that this is an ESH issue: stop being so judgmental, OP — but also, teachers should never share pictures of students on their personal social media accounts.

“ESH. Her for posting pics of the kids You for being all judgy about her personal life,” said


“As a parent, I would be livid to discover unauthorized photos of my child on their teacher’s social media. It’s not only an invasion of their privacy, but it’s dangerous. Who knows what kind of pervs and predators could access those photos, find where she worked, and go from there? That said, I find it particularly vile that OP is judging this woman based on ‘provocative photos.’ Get over yourself, OP. Who are you that you get to determine what is ‘immodest’ or ‘provocative?’ (I’m pretty sure I know what kind of person you are, and with that said, I’d remind you that the Bible even states that before the sin of man, Adam and Eve were naked and unafraid. So what you’re really saying is that your ‘sinfulness’ makes you afraid of the thought of a certain degree of nudity. Sounds like a ‘you’ problem. And the various versions of ‘you’ that I encountered when I tried practicing my faith years ago is why I stopped. It was never good enough – even when I was covered from ankle to collarbones AND wearing sleeves, someone found a reason to complain about my attire, whether it was the platform heels, the dress leggings, or open-toed sandals. Gender-based oppression is a real thing, and you’re engaging in it),” noted


“Yeah she is definitely allowed to live her life. OP were you never young? You never has interests outside of your kids? That being said I’m still kind of weirded out that she posted photos of the kids though. Just because you’re their teacher doesn’t automatically mean you can post other people’s kids on your social media. They need more training for adults in charge of kids along these lines. Please don’t post other people’s children on your public Instagram. Seems like common sense but it’s not. ESH,” said


“ESH – the teacher was definitely in the wrong for posting photos of students on their private Instagram without your consent and she should definitely remove the images and not post students again in the future. However why did you feel the need to bash her for Posting on her own Instagram? Who cares if she’s into politics or posts a revealing photo on their social media it doesn’t change how good or a bad a teacher they are. It’s her private Instagram she can post herself however she wants. Only thing the teacher did wrong was post photos of students without consent,” stated


“ESH. You were looking for an excuse to get her in trouble because you don’t agree with her politically. If she’s not being vitriolic or hateful on her personal account, that’s pretty pathetic, dude. And who cares what she wears on her own time, in her own space? She’s not wearing these ‘provocative’ outfits to school. She’s an AH for a serious professional misstep in posting photos without the permission of the parents, but you come across as deeply dislikeable for starting this witch hunt,” said


Featured Image: Pexels

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.