30 Funny “Struggle Tweets” Are Equal Parts Hilarious And “Uhhhhh”

Prepare yourself to cringe. Grab hold of your chair or bite down onto a leather strap because these tweets might make you flinch.

And laugh.

So you take the good with the bad, it’s all about balance.

Twitter account @Struggle_Tweet provides the Twitterverse with endless shudder moments, sharing real tweets of people who find themselves in truly cringe-worthy situations.

What’s a struggle Tweet exactly?

As with most memes, it’s kind of hard to define, but they’re basically tweets written by people who reveal something shockingly compromising about themselves, that they, themselves, at least appear to think is normal.

Here are 30 struggle tweets that flexed our knuckles and made us cringe. But we also laughed so it’s a fair trade.

1. Salmonella for supper

chad lifestyle struggle tweets

2. Is that really helping though?

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struggle tweets funny, cringe tweets, worst tweet ever, gross tweets, @struggle_tweets twitter


4. Solid pressure at least

struggle tweets funny, cringe tweets, worst tweet ever, gross tweets, @struggle_tweets twitter


5. Chicken water*


6. People helping people




8. But are they wrong?

struggle tweets funny, cringe tweets, worst tweet ever, gross tweets, @struggle_tweets twitter


9. Bazoonga!

struggle tweets funny, cringe tweets, worst tweet ever, gross tweets, @struggle_tweets twitter


10. Can we choose neither?

struggle tweets funny, cringe tweets, worst tweet ever, gross tweets, @struggle_tweets twitter


11. “I’ve met taller men who are shorter than me” ????


12. Can we still see the video?


13. Happy birthday sweetheart


14. So stop digging through other people’s journals


15. Much better


16. But my plan was foolproof


17. Ridin’ dirty


18. This guy knows the market


19.  Just a water for me, please



21. This one too


22. Garnished with a touch of sticker


23. If it’s yellow let it mellow?


24. Family dinner will be awkward



26. Kids can be so honest


27.  A lot to take in here


28. Twinzies!


29. CousIN prison


30. Take it easy Wolverine


Ty Jadah

Tyler is the Montreal City Editor at Daily Hive. He goes by “Ty” for short and “Tyl” for medium.