People Spill The Little Things They Silently Judge Others For (20 Posts)

Listen, I have opinions about everything. Which means that, in all likelihood, I’m at least quietly judging 99% of what people around me do. I try not to, I try to be a bigger person, but it doesn’t always work.

So I absolutely love this thread from u/nosovietspyhere, who asked, “What is something you silently judge others for?” Here we go!

1. Overhype

“Hyping themselves up too much. Saying things like, ‘That wouldn’t fly with me, everyone knows not to mess with me,’ or, ‘people look up to me’ or ‘I’ll have your back until you cross me.’ Like, bro, this isn’t a movie, relax. I don’t think these people understand that the more you have to hype yourself up, the less people actually think that of you.”



“Watching videos at full volume in public. I don’t understand this.”


3. Shame on you



5. Why wouldn’t you throw it out?

“The one that really bugs me is people who put their dogs’ waste in bags and just leave it. Even if they had done nothing, it would’ve biodegraded on its own, but now it won’t, AND you’re making it someone else’s problem.”


5. Shallow

“When I hear people talking crap about someone’s appearance/clothes. So f*cking shallow, but it’s not worth calling people like that out.”


6. Throw it away!

“I hate when people leave their paper coffee cup on a random shelf in Walmart when they’re done with it. That’s so gross and entitled. Throw away your own garbage.”


7. MOVE.

“Being obliviously in the way. Like, getting to the end of an escalator and just standing there. Or, standing with a group of people in a doorway or aisle. Or, stopping to stare at your phone in the middle of the sidewalk. Just move out of the way two steps and everyone’s life is easier.”


8. Dog care

“People who keep their dogs on chains outside 24/7.”


9. Phone on speaker

“People talking to someone on the phone in a store on speaker. No one wants to hear you and your convo.”


10. Wash your hands.

“Leaving the bathroom without washing your hands. I’m not touching that door handle with my bare hands when I leave, and definitely won’t be shaking your hand later.”


11. Gossip

“Gossiping. As in, people who only gossip. Because you know that if they gossip to you about everyone else, they’re gossiping about you to other people too.”


12. Hiking

“I silently judge people who do extremely hard/dangerous hikes woefully unprepared, or wearing sandals/sneakers/inappropriate footwear. I live in Colorado, and too often we get headlines related to these kinds of people. There is no excuse with all the resources available to research the hike you’re doing. Ultimately, search and rescue is going to have to use THEIR resources to save you from something that was of your own doing. But, I judge silently because I believe that sometimes, you do need to learn the hard way.”


13. Swearing

“Parents swearing at their kids in public.”



“When I see you just leave your cart in the parking lot, and not return it.”


15. Throw your shit away

“People who don’t throw away their trash at fast food places! Nothing screams ‘disgusting’ to me more than someone who leaves all their crap at their table and just leaves.”


16. Stupid kid names

“When a parent gives a child a ‘unique’ name that’s obviously not specific to their culture, but a misspelled or made up name like ‘Spenser’ or ‘Alivia’ or ‘Mayson.'”


17. Be kind

“Being sh*tty to service workers.”


18. Pics

Men who take pictures pouting


19. Do not do this

Posting their children on social media


20. So much judging

I work as a cashier, i can tell you that i silently judge a lot. A lot of the time its parents, children will scream and throw a fit and their parents just let them and act like my job to parent their kid. Also obese parents who come in with their clearly overweight kids and just buy junkfood, like do what you want but dont put your kids through that bullshit.
