40 People Reveal The Crazy Reasons A Celebrity Blocked Them On Social Media

Social media is a wonderful place where we can connect with anyone and everyone in one simple click of a keyboard. And, while the ability to connect with our favorite celebrities is something we truly cherish–sometimes we take full advantage of it.
Celebrities, while famous, are also real people with real feelings. So often, we forget this and choose to troll the sh*t out of them on social media instead of treating them like actual people. While I’m all for throwing shade–don’t cry when you get blocked. Thanks to @balleralert, Twitter, and Reddit–people are sharing the reasons they’ve been blocked by celebs on social media and some of them are too much.


I tweeted bob saget asking if he was a real person & he blocked me SO QUICK



Chrissy Teigen blocked me because I said she was wrong about FRIENDS not being funny. It’s my biggest regret.



Cardi B tweeted that she was so lucky her man was going to get her some chik fil a on a Sunday night and I told her to go follow him cause they were closed



I was blocked by riff raff for tweeting that James Franco rocked the cornrows better than him. Blocked me after he told me off and my twitter got attacked by thousands of riff raff fans lool



Fashion no because I said Rainbow has the same stuff for cheaper.



Amanda Bynes, because i asked if her vagina looked like her wigs.



Big Boi from Outkast because I wrote “Big Boi look like the type to eat one of your fries when you not looking”



Khloe Kardashian blocked me because when OJ got paroled, I went on her IG and commented “Tha Juice is Loose baby yaaaassss yo pops coming home bish!!!!!!!!!



Donald trump on Twitter because I told him he looked like an ugly duckling



i bet none y’all can come close to me , I got blocked by Stevie wonder , or his manager because I said his wife rearrange the furniture when she mad at him


Lex Gabrielle

A mom of two who loves to spend her free time writing about life, love, and all the little moments in between.

I have a bachelor’s degree in media studies and journalism and two master’s degrees in education. When I’m not writing and chasing my two kids around, I teach journalism full-time.