30+ Hilarious Old School Parenting Photos That Would Probably Get Parents Arrested Today

Parents are notorious for saying things like, “well, back in my day we did things differently” or “kids these days are too sensitive.”

While there is some validity to these points, there are also several things that have changed over the years, and with good reason. Installing child seatbelts in cars for instance, or warning pregnant women against smoking.

Regardless, it can be eye-opening to look back on how drastically different parenting used to be for older generations.

Just check out these old school parenting photos and you’ll see exactly what we mean:

1. “Dad: Let’s take a picture that will make Mom angry 1970”

2. “I was not a popular child. 1995.”

3. “Just a photo of yours truly (at 11 yrs.) petting a full-grown tiger. My mom calls it her ‘Bad Parenting Moment.'”

4. “How kids became legends, 1990’s.”

5. “Two boys embracing each other’s culture 1965”

6. “Getting serious helmet-less air in the San Fernando Valley circa mid-70’s”

7. “Budapest Marketplace, 1984”

8. “My dad got in trouble for skipping school because the local paper printed this picture of him, 1984”

9. “Children’s Motor Wheel, 1927”

10. “Stealing a drink of wine at a wedding while my mom (behind me) isn’t looking. (1987)”

11. “Back in the day. 1950s to be exact. Check out that car seat.”

12. “My mother-in-law riding a bear at 2 years old.”

13. “My dad showing off his parenting skills 1985.”

14. “Me back in 1991 just your typical Aussie kid drinking XXXXlight beer and holding a baby crocodile!”

15. “California marijuana initiative rally 1972. That’s me in the box and my parents in the picture.”

16. “Me, 1958, relaxing after my bath with Toby, I was never again this cool.”

17. The ultimate BMX mom.

18. “Car seat safety in 1958. Not strapped into anything, these seats relied on the mother to put her arm out and stop the baby from falling forward.”

19. “Harley with a baby seat, 1962.”

20. “My mother and grandmother demonstrating safety standards in the 1960s.”

21. “13 y/o Dad having a taste while the grownups are busy playing cards; upstate New York, August 1954.”

22. “No One is Born Racist 1992”

23. “A couple ice skating with their baby, 1937.”

24. “My adorable (4-year-old) mother at a zoo in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1970.”

25. “A photo of me dressed up as my Dad, with my Dad (1982).”

26. “Infant me, my mother & father at a bar because that’s how parents rolled in the early ’80s.”

27. “My mom showing off her parenting skills 1978.”

28. “The pinnacle of parenting: 1930s swimming lesson.”

29. “My dad and his veterinarian mother, with their pet lion which they raised for two years, 1959.”

30. “My Hilarious Father (with the magazine) and my Grandfather, Grandmother, and Uncle at His Bar Mitzvah in 1972.”

31. “My mom in the hospital after giving birth to my sister. Canada 1978. Smokes and roasted chicken eh!”

Nathan Davidson

A master of the internet farts and sciences. Often accused of being into movies, television, sports, gaming and long walks to the kitchen. Spent the last decade writing about the absurdity that is the internet with a primary focus on comedy, sports, entertainment and exposing cats for being evil monsters. Somehow achieved a BA in Advertising from the Michigan State University and MA in Copywriting from The Portfolio Center. Hobbies include keeping “that’s what she said” jokes fashionable, imitating noises like a parakeet and preventing political arguments. List writer for Ranker and former Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Interweb.