Kanye West Finally Apologized For His Offensive Comments On Slavery…Kind Of

This year, Kanye West shocked the world when he spoke out with love and support for Donald Trump and made some terribly offensive comments on slavery.
In April, West used Twitter to show an outpouring of love for the President of the United States, despite his racism and hatred of people of color. He has since stood by his comments of support for Trump, saying that he “loves the way he goes about life,” although he may not support all of his policies.


In the same month, West also went to TMZ for an interview on why he loves Trump and supports the Republican Party so much. During the interview, West went on a rant about black people and slavery–saying he thinks it sounds like “slavery is a choice.” As expected, millions of people were offended.

West has said numerous times that his comments came from a “place of love,” but the rapper has yet to directly apologize for offending an entire population of people. He has spoken about it–or spoke around it–in interviews, but he has never truly said “I’m sorry,” until now.

While appearing on a radio show for WGCI Chicago, West finally said:

“I don’t know if I properly apologized for how the slavery comment made people feel. I’m sorry for the one-two effect of the MAGA hat into the slave comment, and I’m sorry for people that felt let down by that moment.”

But, West continued in the interview saying that while the comments on slavery and black people were wrong–it also gave him “validation.” He went on to say that sometimes in relationships, people will act out and do bad things to see if the other person still loves them. West said he learned from the TMZ comments that “black people still love him.”

So–sure, he did say he was sorry for offending everyone. But, in Kanye West world, he always finds a way to make it half-assed. Come on ‘Ye, do better.

Lex Gabrielle

A mom of two who loves to spend her free time writing about life, love, and all the little moments in between.

I have a bachelor’s degree in media studies and journalism and two master’s degrees in education. When I’m not writing and chasing my two kids around, I teach journalism full-time.