Ever wonder how people reach the level of being so entitled that they think they should be able to get something for free? Or drastically underpay for a service? Or park in multiple parking spaces?
We’re all a little bit narcissistic, but at what point does it turn into full-blown narcissistic personality disorder? Or, as we like to call it — choosing beggars syndrome.
Choosing beggars syndrome isn’t yet a classified illness in DSM-V, but the following screenshots are all symptoms of the disorder, courtesy of one of the best SubReddits, r/choosingbeggars.
What’s sad is that many of these infuriatingly entitled people probably don’t even understand they’re acting any way other than normal. And that’s just sad.
1. What’s in it for me besides a free dishwasher?
2. And it’s your fault, not mine.
3. Just have someone buy you new ones!
4. Thank you for your service, but you should be thanking me for my spouse’s service.
5. Can’t you just UBER?
6. A little hard to read, but basically: can I have your Hulu for free instead of buying my own?