Chris Evans Calls Out Donald Trump For Disgustingly Mocking Christine Blasey Ford

On Tuesday night, while appearing at a rally in Mississippi, President Donald Trump decided it was okay and appropriate to mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who bravely came forward to share her story of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
Trump has been well known to support white men who have done wrong, and Kavanaugh is no different. While numerous women have come forward and accused the judge of sexual misconduct and assault, Trump stands by his nomination and says he has “no plans” to withdraw it. Therefore, when he decided to slam Dr. Ford’s testimony during the hearing, many were not surprised. On Twitter, Trump had undermined Dr. Ford after the hearing.

And, on Tuesday, he decided to sink even lower when he decided to publicly mock her story and account of her trauma. In a “female voice,” Trump tried to impersonate Dr. Ford, mocking her answers to Senator’s questions.

Many online were outraged to see the President of the United States mocking a victim of sexual assault–because, it’s seriously f**king wrong.

Another person who came forward was Chris Evans, actor and real-life superhero. Not only does Evans play Captain America on screen, but he seems to keep proving to be a superhero offscreen, too. The actor responded to the video going viral of Trump’s inappropriate mocking of Ford, saying:

People online were thankful and praising Evans for standing on the right side of history. Others said it’s time for Captain America to step up.

Evans has previously spoken out about other political issues on Twitter, like dragging Kanye West for claiming the 13th amendment, which outlaws slavery, should be abolished. Clearly, he will always be our true Captain America.

Lex Gabrielle

A mom of two who loves to spend her free time writing about life, love, and all the little moments in between.

I have a bachelor’s degree in media studies and journalism and two master’s degrees in education. When I’m not writing and chasing my two kids around, I teach journalism full-time.