20 Movie Titles That Make Absolutely No Sense (GALLERY)

Seriously try and make sense of “days of future past.” I tried for like five minutes and my brain got super mad at me.

 “The Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia” – Why are Georgia ghosts traveling to Connecticut to haunt people in Connecticut… for the second time? Perhaps Connecticut ghosts are SAG and therefore too expensive for a low budget horror film?

“The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing” – In this classic Burt Reynolds love triangle movie there are no scenes where he dances with a cat and that’s a tradgedy on par with human trafficking if you ask me. Therefore this title don’t make no sense and it makes me sad the more I think about it.

“Quantum Of Solace” – If you go strictly by the dictionary definition of this movie title, it means “the smallest amount of many forms of energy to give comfort in grief or misfortune.” The name is Sense… Makes No Sense.

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“Life Is Cheap, But Toilet Paper Is Expensive” – Life is actually pretty damn expensive and toilet paper is cheap. Well, unless you buy the toilet with Vitamin E and Aloe. Man what a pooping pleasure ride that stuff is.

“Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa” – This movie title doesn’t make sense since Madagascar already belongs in the African continent!!!

“Eegah” – Eegah is not a word according to Webster’s dictionary so therefore it is also a movie title that doesn’t mean anything. Sure it’s a noise that’s fun to say and I plan to use it frequently during a day sometime in the near future when I communicate with a woman purely in caveman grunts for 24-hours straight, but it’s not a movie title.

“Pffft”– Unless this movie conists of Jack Lemmon, Judy Holliday and Kim Novak farting for 90 minutes this movie title makes no sense.

fart the-movie_vhs-cover
F.A.R.T.: The Movie – Speaking of farts, here’ s a movie about a man who is obsessed with farting, and loves to fart any time he can. His girlfriend, Heather despises farts and becomes angry with Russell because all he does is watch television and fart. The only problem is the movie title is an acronym that doesn’t stand for anything so therefore the title doesn’t make any sense. And yes, I’m going to find a way to watch this movie ASAP. Netflix… a little help here?

The Neverending Story 2 – If the story is neverending, why would there ever be a need for part 2? Just saying.

“Manos: The Hands Of Fate” – Manos is Spanish for “hands” so therefore the title means “Hands: The Hands Of Fate.” Maybe Ted Mosby can help explain this one.

Leonard: Part 6 – For starters, there was never a Leonard 1-5. I know they explain this astonishing revelation in the movie but it appears old Bill was probably suffering from permanent brain freeze in 1987 due to eating way too many Jello Pudding Pops.

“Sssssss” – Yes, it’s a movie about snakes but why 7 S’s? Why not 8 or 9? Seriously, try asking your friend if they want to see the movie “Sssssss” and see how that works out for you.

“The House Of Laughing Windows” – Come on, do I really need to say anything here.

“The Tit & The Moon” – What else would you call a 1994 Spanish movie about a 9-year old boy who’s obsessed with breasts? Come on, people that’s movie titling 101.

“You Only Live Twice” – Bond movies have always been the king when it comes to titles that make no sense and this movie title is no exception even if you’re into the whole reincarnation thing.

“12 Monkeys” – It’s been while since I’ve seen 12 Monkeys but I don’t recall seeing any monkeys in the movie, let alone 12 of them. Now that I think about it, it’s actually a perfect movie title for a movie that basically makes no sense.

“Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Mencace” – Star Wars fanboys will still try and tell you that the movie title makes sense with some sort of twisted logic about how it’s referring to Darth Maul, but nobody’s buying it. Personally I think they should re-title the next special edition release of the movie “Star Wars: Episode I – Anakin’s Big Day Out.”

“The Constant Gardner” – As a general rule of thumb, you probably shouldn’t title a movie “The Constant Gardener” when it’s about a British diplomat in Kenya trying to solve his wife’s murder that involves no constant gardening of any kind.

“Don’t Worry, We’ll Think Of A Movie Title” –  To quote the great “Judge Smails” from Caddyshack… “Well… we’re waiting.”

Nathan Davidson

A master of the internet farts and sciences. Often accused of being into movies, television, sports, gaming and long walks to the kitchen. Spent the last decade writing about the absurdity that is the internet with a primary focus on comedy, sports, entertainment and exposing cats for being evil monsters. Somehow achieved a BA in Advertising from the Michigan State University and MA in Copywriting from The Portfolio Center. Hobbies include keeping “that’s what she said” jokes fashionable, imitating noises like a parakeet and preventing political arguments. List writer for Ranker and former Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Interweb.