FUNNY 20+ Funny Church Signs You Can Laugh At All The Way To Heck by Mike Primavera July 24, 2018 7. Twitter: @TyBuckingham / Via Twitter: @TyBuckingham 6. Twitter: @maricel_tanya / Via Twitter: @maricel_tanya 5. Twitter: @Hoozyer / Via Twitter: @Hoozyer 4. Twitter: @herkamurjones / Via Twitter: @herkamurjones 3. u/Tankrunner / Via 2. Twitter: @vannewell / Via Twitter: @vannewell 1. u/CommanderWhat / Via h/t buzzfeed Mike Primavera Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn’t HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family’s pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome Page 4 of 4Previous 1234Next post